website. In this you get Knowledge and Education ABOUT How to do Video film? How to make Short film? How to make full movie ? How to Learn Direction ? How to become Associate Director ? How to write a script ? How to write story ? How to write Novel ? Acting means what ? How to get in Acting ? camera operator in film ? How to become a cinematographer ? What is called a script ? How to learn Acting ? How to Produce a Film ? How to be film editor ? What is editing in a film? Movie, Cinema, Short Videos, T.V Serials, Documentary films, Advertisement films, Short films, Feature films, The Process of makings.

How to learn video making? how to study film making process? How to become a director? How to become actor? What is film Production? How to become Editor? How to become cinematographer? how to write story? how to write script ? How to become actress? Makeup man, art director, lyrics, songs.
Hai, Hello, Welcome to
This is A.B.Kokatnur D.F.D. Film Director. FIRST OF ALL GOOD DAY TO LOVELY READERS.
This filmiflame website shares the valuable contents , knowledge , educations freely related to, How to learn ? The makings of Films / Movies / Cinemas / T.V. Serials / Documentaries / Advertisement Films / Videos / Short Films / Feature Films, makings.
* First of all to do these works Basically we need a Story or Novel. ( What is story ? Then how to write it ? or Borrow some where ? )
*Then next step comes convert Story or Novel into SCRIPT ( What is Script ?How to write Script ? & What is the script writing format ? )
*Then next step comes to convert SCRIPT into SCREENPLAY. (What is screenplay? How to write Screen play ? ) all of these questions answers are available in future posts.
This is very useful for those new comers who are interested in video makings, or those who wants to enter audio-visual mass media it is colour, colourful, powerful, power packed mass media. it attracts all the people beyond age limit, it won’t counts Whether He, She is Rich or Poor. It attracts all people. And gives them Entertainment with Knowledge and Education. That is Film Industry, T.V Industry, Videos for Social medias like Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, linkdin, etc. In this field the working persons are say as Producers, Directors, Actors, Editors, Camera man, Make up man, Costume Designer, Light man, Story writer, Script writer, Dialogue writer, Art Director, Dubbing Artists, Titling, etc.
All of those New Persons to field Must know the basic Film Grammer In videos, say as, Camera Angles as mid, low, high angle, and Frame compositions covers as Fore ground, Mid ground ,and Back ground it show’s to be beautiful , as well as Camera shots as Close up, mid shot, long shot, & lightings adjustments, Where to use ? and How to use? these to build up the Frames Beauty/ to establish the Scenes Beauty . The actors make up, costumes, ornaments, Hand properties belongs to that character also counts well, Next Dialogues narration voices as Low, Medium, High Pitch volumes, With face expressions and artists movement in the Scenes, Frame Shots .
The New Producers Wants to make a Video, Short film, Feature Film, etc. For short movie award / film Award purpose or movie Commercial purpose, or Social purpose . If they Know the Basics of Production process. As 1) Pre-Production Stage (2) On Production Stage. (3) Post Production Stage. What Works comes under Here ? How to work on it ? What is Pre-Production Stage? What is Post Production Stage? What is Post production Stage? in movie.
PRE- PRODUCTION. Say as Basically A Story is needed,& A Director, Script, Screenplay, Actors, Locations, Camera, Camera man, Make up, Clap Board, Proper budget, and then.
ON PRODUCTION For Camera Work To shoot a beautiful, Good Scene it needs Track & Trolley, Cinizip, Dhrone camera for Aerial shots and Suitable lenses, In indoor essential lightings, Cutters, Filters. And for all shooting units Needs Food , staying facility, Travelling facility to travel shooting locations spots. So for all these purposes the expenditure comes. therefore film budgeting comes and proper account keeping is also necessary one. here an accountant is needed ( In big projects) & then next.
POST PRODUCTION work Editing, Dubbing, Re-Recording, Graffics, DTS, Special Sound effects Adding, Then film Advertisements, Release etc. All about this the knowledge and Education is available freely in next posts in step by step, in .
I think one question arises in your mind that is… ” This guy writes all about this film field ” What is his experience in this field ?. What is his Qualification ? Then friends I would like to say,

I am A.B.Kokatnur D.F.D. Film Director. I studied Diploma in Film Direction ( 2 Years) with distinction from well known MYSORE UNIVERSITY, In INDIA. I learnt there theory with practicals of Story, Script, Screen Play Writing, Directing the Films, Acting, Editing, Dubbing, Music, Locations & observations, Basic Film Grammer, Study of films, I Made many a Short films, Documentries, Advt. Films, Lightings, Camera Work, Make up, Costumes, Ornaments, Hand property, Set property, Etc.

After my Direction diploma Completed, I Written 4 Films Scripts, Directed 2 feature Films One is ” NARIVARA ” Kannada feature film , in this I written Story, script, screen play, with one small character Actor, Editor, Director, Producer.

Second one is ” 1/2 ” Kannada feature film. In this I written Script, Screen play, Made Direction, & Acted in one small Character. Also I Worked Associate Director for 2 other Kannada Feature Films. So I have Field Experience also, SO I am sharing these Education, Experience, Knowledge, to lovely READERS. So Please Share this to your Friends, Relatives to reach the knowledge, and it is helpful to those new guys interested in this video ,Film field but yet they won’t learn the education because Shortage of their time to spend on it , in film related institutions. Some guys are poor they won’t afford the fees of film Institutions to learn Direction, Acting ,Editing, production, So if you shared this “” Name to others, It is helpful to your dears & others. ( so it is social work.)
If you want to see the related articles video see it in Filmiflame Youtube Channel.
On my next contents will be storyscript, novel writing methods step by step.
Once Again Thank You one and all.
1) Why is direction important in movies?
ANS: For an Example: The Captain is important to Ship because he manages and gives the order to other workers to reach the goal. Like that, the direction is important to movies because he narrates the story in a particular way and direction and he takes the right works from the cameramen, actors, actress, editors, music director, singers etc. To give importance to the film subject. Finally reaches it’s target.
2) How to become an Actor?
Ans: In daily life you see so many peoples of different character and professionals deeply absorb their works and nature. Try to practice it as like they. In other words copy that activities add your knowledge and act with your Knowledge and practice it infront of mirror. Attend film auditions, TV serial auditions or make your own videos and act in it.
3) How to be a film editor?
Ans: First learn video editing apps knowledge and working knowledge of softwares and in a video raw footage cut unnecessary part and keep correct videos and refer the scene and shot and add closeups, midshots and longshots of the characters wherever applicable to beautify the scene and use your sense and what the director wants add his way also.
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